Colors of Infosec Podcast

A limited-run podcast discussing everyday challenges in tech AND demystifying how to successfully navigate a career in the tech/info space.If you have been looking for practical advice, fresh perspectives, tips, and lessons learned, this is the podcast for you.

Episode 8 - Season 1 Finale

Featured Episode - Episode 8

In this Season 1 finale episode, Asif and Christina catch up with COI listeners to discuss, why they went dark since election week and what they've been up to. Tune into the full Episode here.Thank you so much for rocking with us this season. We will be back in January 2021 with all-new episodes!

Episode 7 - Security with Grace with Infosec leader Charles nwatu

In this extraordinary episode, we chat with Engineering Manager, Corporate Security & Security Technology at Netflix, Charles Nwatu (@charles_nwatu) about all things DFIR, Risk, Communications and so much more. Listen to the full Episode here

Episode 7 - Security with Grace with SecEng Leader Charles Nwatu

Episode 6 - Security, Privacy & a whole lot of *** with Tazin Khan Norelius

In episode 6, we chat with our first guest to the show, cybersecurity specialist, empath, and critical thinker Taz (@techwithtaz). With over 10 years in the security space, Taz works to bring mindfulness into Cyber Security while making noise around the lack of consumer data ownership and privacy. Listen to the Episode here

© COLORSOFINFOSEC 2020. All rights reserved.